Flesh Eaters Featured Bats, elbows and goofy monsters. When you see a really nice new army you've been waiting for a decade but the design studio decides to mess some body parts and you got mad, like, really mad...
Flesh Eaters What if... Wild Boars or Mournfangs as Morbheg Knights "counts as"? The debate is on and I need your input. Let the conversion begin!
buy Buying and trading models. Want to buy! I'll be updating this section with the stuff I'm looking for (usually plastic bits or second hand kits for my conversions).
Flesh Eaters Surrounded by turnips. Food sources like graveyards, burial sites or mass graves are now invaded by giant trees, whose roots have made the corpses unreachable from below, cutting the meat supply for the underground dwellers.
Flesh Eaters Featured Ghouls, roots and noble lions. When there's no help coming, you're out of food and the enemy is at the gates... Watch out what you eat next! Let's talk about Flesh Eater Courts lore in a different (and funny) way.
review Featured Alternative Chaos Dwarves for The Old World. Believe it or not, back in February 2016 I had a stroke of luck and found some really nice Chaos Dwarves (Dwarfs? Chorfs?), called Dwarfs of the Fire Canyon painted by a talented russian painter. Following his info, I discovered this company: The Russian Alternative.
15mm Blood Axe's Nob. Here's the Boss! Well, he's not the "real" boss, but you won't say that to the Kommissar's face, oi? I wanted him to look really stupid (that's why he's wearing a Ronald McDonald coat & boots)
15mm Featured 'Ere we go! Meet the Bad Moon Warboss and his retinue in the grimdark* future of the 15mm 40k. * It's not dark, we like shiny colors.
Consumerism Featured What are we doing? If hoarding plastic waste (in the form of little warriors) doesn't worry you at the Year of Our Lord 2023, maybe you should read this short (and last) entry for this year.
goblins Featured Sebastian Stuart: The Bloody Shield tribe. Do you want to see the best Goblin Wolf Riders that ever threaded a game table? Speak no more! Enter: Sebastian Stuart from Eastern Empire...
kickstarter Mohawks & Guns. As I wanted to build a Kill Team I started looking for old illustrations so I could get some inspiration to paint mine. And do you know what? There are only a few.
Instagram Featured Bye Bye Meta No more Instagram for Wilbur. I deleted my account, and you should do it too. This is how to do it.
Warcry Featured The Wild Hunt Fear no more! The Wild Hunt is here to prey on the interlopers...OH WAIT.
Blood Bowl Featured We shall play on the beaches! "We shall play on the beaches, we shall play on the landing grounds, we shall play in the fields and in the streets, we shall play in the hills; we shall never concede." Old World Nuffle prayer.
Blood Bowl Featured Blood Bowl & Dinosaurs! “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn’t stop to think if they should.”
15mm Featured 15mm 40k is the new Black At some point last year I found this excelent painter on Instagram that was posting amazing tiny Eldar models. After looking for some time, I learnt that those were sculpted by Lord Chronos in order to play 6mm 40k (Epic? How do they call that nowadays?).
Blood Bowl Featured It's an old old world. It's been a long, hard year but the last months have been the best (hobby-wise) we've had in a while. Me and my friends have played more Warcry and Bloodbowl games than the past two years combined, and God, we're hyped.
Oldhammer Featured Kevin Adams, the Goblin Master. The youngest won't be familiar with this name, but for us, grey haired 40+ year olds, Kevin is a living legend. He made the best goblins, the best shields, the best snotlings... Even his fantasy orcs had an effect on modern versions.
Blood Bowl Featured Hakflem? Is that you? There was a time when the young Hakflem was a little less of a cheater, and only had killed a couple of teammates, making a living of Blood Bowl jumping from an Underworld Challenge team to another, stabbing his opponents and stealing the ball like the rat he is
Blood Bowl Skaven mutants and the first test model. Another day and another two models are ready. This time we talk about two Skaven Linemen with some mutations: Two heads & extra arm for one, Claw/Big Hand for the other.
Blood Bowl Fear the Red Moon Today we can met three more models for the Underworld Denizens team, the Luna Rossa Ragtag.
Blood Bowl Underworld Denizens team Back when I built my Chaos Renegades I was very proud how the rats and the goblin ended looking, so Underworld was the right choice.