Moar Beastflayers!
Yeah, I know, I already painted a unit of Royal Beastflayers. But the Baron model is just so epic to build only one. Did someone just yell conversion?

Yeah, I know, I already painted a unit of Royal Beastflayers. But the Baron model is just so epic to build only one. Did someone just yell conversion?
I enjoyed painting the first one so much I was determined to build another one. And after reading the Flesh Eater Courts Battletome it was clear to me that those units were actually good for playing, so I came up with the idea of a particular hunting party...
Rules-wise I only need a model to act as the Royal Flaymaster and 2 Offal Hounds. The rest may be just regular cool-looking ghouls because the Baron and the Gore-Squires have no different profile in AoS than the Trackers. So I'll be using the Baron model as the Flaymaster, the Frostsabers as Offal Hounds, and a retinue of 7 serfs that will be converted as well (one of them will be carrying their master's rusted spear, coming from the unused stump of the original Flaymaster).

I'll add some minor modifications to one of the cats, but I'm not decided about that at this moment.
This conversion ended being a little expensive because the only bits company that was selling this model was UK based (and yes, I made the same mistake I said I'd never make again last year). The couple of Frostsabers are from second hand, already built kits. The resin cat skull was printed by a friend from some stock files we had. Another friend sent me some Cities of Sigmar plastic bits so I'll be testing some of them on the Ghouls (definitely one of the relics, maybe crossbows) and I'll convert the Cryptguard halberds into hunting spears eventually.
I'd like to hear about your ideas for the serfs conversions, so please drop a comment below and I'll give it a try.
See ya!