Fanfiction The veteran Four years had passed, but the burns still hurt, especially in the morning on that time of the year.
Blood Bowl Zombie swarm! Zombies! More zombies! Lots of Zombies! Well, not really, just 4 of them, but they are having a lot of fun!
Podcasts Featured at #WipWednesday Good news everyone! Yesterday I had a big surprise after seeing my Chaos Renegades team featured on my favourite Blood Bowl show: the Bonehead Podcast.
Blood Bowl Zombies and referees! Take a look to this totally random bunch of models I ended painting this week.
Blood Bowl Skeleton lineman I decided to build a new skeleton. I primed him in Wraithbone and went for a rusty purple tone and yellow clothing and details.
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Blood Bowl Dig up their bones. It was about time I started to paint my Undead Blood Bowl team but sometimes little things stop you from painting a model, and this time it was... Lilac undercoat.
Blood Bowl Featured Toad the Troll Aaand he's done. Toad the Troll is ready to bash heads and throw clueless grots in Blood Bowl.
Blood Bowl Featured I hate sub-assemblies! I usually don't paint models by parts but this one looked too much for me so I went for the sub-assemblies (and my friends made fun of me because they know I really don't like doing it).
Blood Bowl Featured Ball & Chain! Here's my version of Fungus (kinda, let me explain it later) for my Chaos Renegade team. I painted him in 3 hours.
games Featured Resist! Crowdfunding is a go! Designed by Trevor Benjamin, Roger Tankersley and David Thomson, and illustrated by my favourite Spanish author Albert Monteys.
conversion Featured Budar of the Throod Years after reading Warqueen by Darius Hinks, I'm finally building all the characters for my Slaves to Darkness army (inspired in the new Darkoath models and The Untamed characters). First of them will be Budar of the Throod (while I wait for another Warqueen kit to arrive in
Darkoath Featured Darkoath Savagers Come on and read my first impression about the new Darkoath Ravagers from GW.
hobby Featured Comfortably numb. Looks like I was right when I talked about the FOMO strategy directed to boost GW direct sales. After looking at their last report they are cashing a lot since the pandemic hit, and Brexit didn't make a dent on their ceramite suits. But the prices, oh the prices!
opinion Featured And they shall know no FOMO. FOMO is characterized by a desire to stay continually connected with what others are doing. It is also defined as a fear of regret.
Chaos Renegades Chaos Renegades! After I painted the fifth human for my Chaos Renegades team, it became playable so I thought it was a great moment to present the whole team to you.
Time to think: Don't buy models. The last three years have been a blast in terms of new kit releases, boxed games and GW goodies. But it's not a secret that you must be rich to keep up...
2021 Challenge: Knightly orders. Welcome! If you came here looking for Bretonnians you're looking at the wrong ossuary. On the other side, if you came here because you heard about the 2021 challenge on twitter, here are the rules: * The challenge consists in converting, building and painting 5 miniatures belonging to a
Slaanesh Featured Sexy mortal warriors incoming... Come if you want to read my take on the last Slaanesh models featured by GW on August 2020.
conversion Angry stunty with a hammer I dug into my bits box (it's more like a dragon's hoard, but bear with me) and found a Doomseeker from my second Silver Tower box...
nurgle Featured The Biggest Blightlord of them all... The battle was over. It has been a massacre. As all the battles they fought since the winter came...
nurgle Featured Six Treasures of Chaos If you were paying attention to my Instagram feed 2 years ago you may remember my Nurgle Archaon conversion []. It's been hibernating on a drawer because I was stuck deciding about some tweaks (mainly the left arm, the saddle, and the base). But
posture Featured Sit straight, heretic! +++ Greetings, Inquisitor. +++ Our team intercepted a transmission 9 hours ago regarding the Adept PE4-CH7 from Sector C0MMUN1T7 regarding some sub-standard ergonomic advice. The authors of this document are already under Ordo Hereticus custody and they’ve been processed and enucleated as regulations mandate. +++ Downloading... “To whom it may concern, We,