Ball & Chain!

Here's my version of Fungus (kinda, let me explain it later) for my Chaos Renegade team. I painted him in 3 hours.

Ball & Chain!

Here's my version of Fungus (kinda, let me explain it later) for my Chaos Renegade team. I painted him in 3 hours as a practice after more than one month without touching a brush (having forgotten the recipe for the black, as you can see in the picture below).

His story is a bit stupid. Months ago I was reading the Spike! magazine and thought "that guy from Underworlds would be great for a ball & chain player. So I assumed Fungus could be played in Chaos Renegades teams (nope) and went with it. Later I converted him and post it on twitter, but thanks to a friend who pointed me to the mercenary rules saved the day. So I painted him today and voilà!

Lessons learnt today:

  • Write down your recipes.
  • Liquitex metallic medium works as a barnish for metallics, but it's ultra dense, so dilute it before applying it to a little chain (ahem).
  • Consider a sub-assembly painting even with small models like this one.
  • Write down your recipes.

So the next step is to write down the rules for him and print a card before my next match.