Flesh Eaters Featured Wintermaw's Infamous Chefs Foremost of the Summerking’s butchers are the Skinnerkin, who work to secure the most delicious viands for his feasts. These masters of the slaughter carry racks of meat hooks in their very flesh, intent on stringing up their prey upon these blades alive – for the sake of freshness, of course.
Skaven Featured Rats and fleas. The rats failed, as the dark magic protected the dead and the undead alike. But the rats weren't alone. Their bodies and fur were covered in parasites. And some of them, the fleas, jumped off the rats onto their new hosts, feeding on their blood.
Flesh Eaters It was about time! Last week I was complaining about the lack of decent bat-like ghouls, the wing desings and the conversions I was planning, and just last night GW revealed this beauty as part of the Skinnerkin warband for Underworlds. After finishing painting my dog-faced Night Flayer I was planning on doing a
Flesh Eaters Flap, flap, flap. Crypt Flayers. That kit has aged badly. I kinda like them in the art, but the actual models... Two of the three wing configurations on those sprues are plain ugly. So I needed something to focus the attention anywhere but the wings. And that, my friends, is the face of a Nightshrieker.
Flesh Eaters Big bats darken the sky. As you already know, I don't like Morbheg Knights. And for what I've heard on his live show, Mr. Pink doesn't like them either. So I've chosen a number of conversions in order to play that unit, and this is the time
Flesh Eaters Moar Beastflayers! Yeah, I know, I already painted a unit of Royal Beastflayers. But the Baron model is just so epic to build only one. Did someone just yell conversion?
Flesh Eaters Featured Bats, elbows and goofy monsters. When you see a really nice new army you've been waiting for a decade but the design studio decides to mess some body parts and you got mad, like, really mad...
Flesh Eaters What if... Wild Boars or Mournfangs as Morbheg Knights "counts as"? The debate is on and I need your input. Let the conversion begin!
Flesh Eaters Surrounded by turnips. Food sources like graveyards, burial sites or mass graves are now invaded by giant trees, whose roots have made the corpses unreachable from below, cutting the meat supply for the underground dwellers.
Flesh Eaters Featured Ghouls, roots and noble lions. When there's no help coming, you're out of food and the enemy is at the gates... Watch out what you eat next! Let's talk about Flesh Eater Courts lore in a different (and funny) way.