Wraithwhat? That's a Dreadnought!
Tiny Eldar everywhere! Lots of them! Come and see!

Just a quick hobby update on my 15 mm Saim-Hann Eldar second edition force. I just finished my Dreadnought (it's actually the second, but the other one is painted in Alaitoc tiger camo scheme).
Wait a minute. I just realized I've not posted all my tiny Eldar here since I painted the first batch of Striking Scorpions and Scouts...
Let's fix this, I hope you like them all:

Saim-Hann Scouts

Dark Reapers

Alaitoc Dreadnought and Saim-Hann Guardian

Group pictures

Farseer the size of my thumb nail

Wip and finished Guadians

Cool, right? I'm specially proud of my Farseer. I've always loved the original model and it looks really nice for a couple of days work. Now I'm painting 5 more Guardians, 2 heavy weapon platforms, a couple of Warlocks and an Exarc, and then I'm painting another 5 Striking Scorpions because the first had a lot of printer marks (2k vs 8k printer it's a lot).
Here's a sneak peak of what's coming next:
See you next time!