I just did the job for you and used My Doom™ so you can enjoy a new Chaos Dwarf army this year!

How do you summon a new range of Chaos Dwarves for #NewAoS? For me, that's easy. The first step of the spell is pre-ordering a big bunch of new Skaven from the Vermindoom box. And the second step is painting an old model of said range. For the spell to work 100% you must be totally invested in that army (in terms of money and effort). So, I just did the job for you and used My Doom™ so you can enjoy a new army this very year.
If you remember certain review on alternate Chorfs, I already talked about these models. But after buying them in 2016, yesterday I painted the first one (and prepared the resin bits for the next 12 models).

The model had no sculpted eyes so I just painted to flat holes into those weird eyes...
I'm not really sure about the glossy varnish on the metals (I normally use the ultra-matt for everything).