Wipitty wip!
I painted some toys! Metal and plastic! Come on and see them!

It's been 3 months since my last post here. Regular adult life is resumed, no civil servant or politician got jailed for letting more than 200 people die by drowning... You know the drill.
I've been the busiest I've ever been at work, and had to start putting some limits and compartmentalizing side gigs and class related stuff.
So I ended up on a diet of no social media at all, followed by "leave every hobby chat group except one" and some "no working calls or notifications after leaving the clinic" pills. And guess what? It worked! I killed no one!
So, here you have the cool toys:
The Chaos Troll.
I wanted this guy to work as a TOW Giant Troll (counts as a Giant) for a Chaos army, maybe a regular Chaos Troll for 4th Ed. WHFB... Ordered some friends from GW as a Christmas presents, GW messed it up, left me without presents for the 25th of December... Let's say I no longer have a Warhammer account and the grudge has been noted on the big book.

The Plaguebearers.
I needed some of those painted for a Spearhead army, and Nicky Grillet's Grandfather's Gardeners are too cool not to paint them, so I painted one as a test, then the fly (Squort) and the big sword guy (Slunge). I've been using the snow theme for the bases for a decade, but I can't drop it mid-army.

Painting pink makes wonders for your mental health. You should try it.

Another Troll for Blood Bowl.
This one needs some more work, but I forgot my skin tone recipe, and that stalled the project. I'm decided to finish him and the Rat Ogre soon.

I started this rat ogre for my underworlds team months ago. Loved the skin mid tones and I'm eager to finish it. It's a recast, BTW. Forgeworld resin is nice but their parent company sucks.

Oh wait, there's another Troll!
This one is almost done, but again, it's hard to finish stuff.

Well, see you on March.