I hate sub-assemblies!
I usually don't paint models by parts but this one looked too much for me so I went for the sub-assemblies (and my friends made fun of me because they know I really don't like doing it).

This is a wip picture of my Chaos Renegades Troll. It's not complete because if you glue this big guy before painting it you won't reach half of the miniature (specially the face).
I usually don't paint models by parts but this one looked too much for me so I went for the sub-assemblies (and my friends made fun of me because they know I really don't like doing it).

In the end I chose the wrong green trying to differenciate him from the Grot he's throwing. The troll was meant to be painted in a "goblin green" scheme and that's how Roberto @lanadaminatures pictured him in his team portrait, but I thought Lupercal green was a good idea (it wasn't).
Oh, and I'll be adding some fresh Blood for the Blood God over the trap and the foot once I've got him based so I can match the blood droplets on the grass.

I'll try to finish him this weekend and that would leave only one human linemen to go until I start with the mutants (I'm still resisting the urge to build new versions of the Dark Elf or the Skaven).
See you soon!