The pale rider.
Kroot, kroot everywhere.

Hi there! I'm not dead, just busy as hell. So this post will be short but visual.
After GW showed us the new Vespids I decided to go full xenos and started getting some Kroot (I only owned the Farstalkers Kinband kit from Kill Team). I previously enjoyed painting Kroot but I wasn't satisfied with the result (because I built plant-rich bases, even used water-resin to resemble a marsh) so I stripped the models, hide the damage caused by removing the Kroot hound from the base and started anew. And it was fantastic.
So I bought more Kroot. And as always happens, one thing lead to another and now I'm in front of a Lone Spear conversion using the Darkoath Warchief horse, so it looks like a bounty hunter from the old western films. Here's a mockup:

So, here are my ideas at this stage. I don't own any T'au bits yet, so no techy stuff for me, but I'm considering what to buy, so feel free to comment below (are there any armour bits to spare after building the mechas?).

Also, here you have a couple of unedited pictures of the Kroot I've already painted. Enjoy!

See you next time!
EDIT: If you liked this, look for the second part here.