Alternative Chaos Dwarves for The Old World.
Believe it or not, back in February 2016 I had a stroke of luck and found some really nice Chaos Dwarves (Dwarfs? Chorfs?), called Dwarfs of the Fire Canyon painted by a talented russian painter. Following his info, I discovered this company: The Russian Alternative.

This post is taken from the grave and edited 8 years after I bought these models. I've changed the original text and edited the links (the eBay store no longer exist, their site is flagged as dangerous in my browser and I don't have a Meta account anymore, so I couldn't check on their FB page).
Believe it or not, back in February 2016 I had a stroke of luck and found some really nice Chaos Dwarves (Dwarfs? Chorfs?), called Dwarfs of the Fire Canyon painted by a talented russian painter. Following his info, I discovered this company: The Russian Alternative. At that time, they were selling off their resin kits at 50% of their tag price (they were switching to plastic).
Instead of order them at once, I did a little first buy because I wanted to test the russian postal service. I mean, I had no idea how slow this could be and it was a big surprise when it took exactly 10 days to get from Moscow to Spain. So I ordered more.
My army at that point consisted in:
- 20 Dwarfs with arquebuses.
- 20 Dwarfs with hand weapon and shield.
- 10 Dwarfs with two handed axes.
- 2 command groups (that's 6 models).
- 1 Sorcerer.
- 2 Characters (you can equip them as warriors, or something mutated with a scaly arm on fire).
- 3 Chaos Trolls.
I have a good base for a Chorf army to play the new The Old World game. I just need some warmachines, black orcs abd hobgoblins. Please leave your suggestions in the comments.
Note: In the following pictures you may notice 2 different materials. I don't know if the darker ones are plastic or just a different kind of resin, but the quality feels a bit worse than the white resin models. For 2024 standards this hand sculpted resin models are still great (if they need a lot of work before starting to paint them it's another tale to be told).

Boxed kits

Resin models

So, it looks like I already have an army and can jump on the bandwagon without spending money or using overpriced recycled models from The Games Company. Yay!