Buying and trading models.
Want to buy! I'll be updating this section with the stuff I'm looking for (usually plastic bits or second hand kits for my conversions).

From now on I'll be updating this section with the stuff I'm looking for (usually plastic bits or second hand kits for my conversions).
I usually post this kind of messages on Mastodon but maybe this can help me find them. The list will be updated regularly. If you are interested in selling/ trading please leave a message in the comments or DM me on Mastodon.
- A Greater Daemon of Nurgle sculpted by Drew D. Williams.
- 1991 Kevin Adams' Nurglings (any number of them).
- Other Nurgle demons from the same release (Kevin's Plaguebearers mainly) and Chaos Warriors.
- Slaaneshi Beastmen and or MB09 Marauder Beastmen.
- MM93 Marauder Chaos Beastmaster & Chaos Hounds.
- Dark Elf Cold One Riders.
- Dark Elf Whelpmaster & C22 Chaos Hounds.
- 2x Minotaurs.

Things I've already bought. Thank you!
- Kyrssa and Lethyr from Morgwaeth’s Blade-coven's kit.
- Beastflayer Baron.
- 3 Plastic Wild Boars from the Savage Boarboys / Maniaks kit.
- 2 Thrafnir, the frost sabre from the Hrothgorn’s Mantrappers underworld kit. I'm ok with buying the whole kit or the sprue containing the cat and the Gnoblars.
- 4 Mournfangs.
PS: The Marauder Chaos Beastmaster picture belongs to Maxi, from the blog En tierra de nadie. Go and take a look.