15mm 40k is the new Black
At some point last year I found this excelent painter on Instagram that was posting amazing tiny Eldar models. After looking for some time, I learnt that those were sculpted by Lord Chronos in order to play 6mm 40k (Epic? How do they call that nowadays?).

At some point last year I found this excelent painter on Instagram that was posting amazing tiny Eldar models.
After looking for some time, I learnt that those were sculpted by Lord Chronos in order to play 6mm 40k (Epic? How do they call that nowadays?).
This was my first free weekend in a while, so I decided to take them out of their zip bag and give them a try.
I have like 20 Grim Reapers in the original scale (6mm) and a couple of squads in 15mm. After thinking about it I decided to go 15mm. If you look at the next picture (and consider my age and eyesight) you'll understand.

To make this even better, I finally put my hands on some Xpress Vallejo paints, so I decided to paint them using only that as a kind of a training for the new paints (and the mandatory lights using any other paint, mostly AK-Interactive or Scale75; I'll post the recipees below). That and a brand new Rosemary & Co number 3 meant the best weekend ever.

So, long story short, I had 2 complete squads painted in a weekend, using those fantastic paints (you won't believe me but Contrast & Speedpaints are shit next to Vallejo's new line). I mixed them to get other colours, used water instead of medium most of the time... And they behave amazingly. Here's the result:

Next will be Guardians (because we all need line units), Reapers (pew pew) and probably a Wraithlord. It's important to note that they were made with a 2k printer (now we're using a 4k, wait until I finish painting my Lizarmen Blood Bowl team) and they have a lot of issues (even a couple of missing legs, totally our fault).
But I think this is a quick and cool way of collecting and playing any 40k edition you like, super cheap, and with the plus of not giving GW a single € (have you heard they increased the prices AGAIN last month?).

So, if you want a taste too, go visit Chrono's profile on 3D Cults. Try not to scream when you see his Warlocks.
See you all in 2 weeks with some dinosaur action on... Beach Bowl!
PS: Here's my palette. Hope it makes sense to you.