Last year I put 90£ in a KS and the results will amaze you.

This will be a quick post, written not in spite but in bewilderment after reading the last words of Stephen May about his last Kickstarter project, The Imperial Crusade Recon Squad. If you want to read how much I liked those models back in the day, read this (I published that post on December 2023).

SM has threatened the backers to cancel their pledges:

Lastly, I understand that people are frustrated with the wait on this project, but will absolutely not tolerate any abuse on posts or messages. Sarcasm and insults really don't help anyone and isn't going to make this project be completed any quicker.
If it continues from the repeat offenders, I'll just cancel your pledge. I have zero time for it, on top of an extremely difficult year for me and I'm really doing my best to get these models out to you all.
On a positive note, thank you to the kind words from the vast majority of you - it really means a lot!

I' ve read all the messages for months, and there was literally zero abuse there. To be precise, 3 or 4 of us made some jokes about our future selves living without the models (the last one was mine, as an easter egg from Superman: All Stars, to celebrate the next Superman movie).

Again, there was no abuse at all, but the creator has decided to push that narrative to defend himself after a delay of a whole year. The funny thing is that a lot of us will gladly ask for a refund and forget about it, but that possibility wasn't available for this whole year (and I assume that so many people would have withdrawn their pledge that the whole enterprise would have been compromised).

So here I am, speaking to a little group of readers instead of confronting Stephen in fear that this could end in no money and no models for me. I've quoted another backer's comment with a +1 and I'm probably going to see some retaliation (Rhys, if you can read this, thanks for your words).

The lesson here? Never back an ex-GW before checking on his previous projects.