
If you've noticed some radio silence here for some time you're 100% right. After the summer hiatus I had some problems to get my hobby supplies (miniatures mostly) and then my Adult Life catch me again so it's been very little painting and converting in October.

I've started to paint some 15mm 40k Orks (2nd edition renders with Rogue Trader colour schemes, you'll love them when you get to see them) and I'm waiting for some nice Chaos stuff but most importantly: We've been playing Warcry a lot.

We went to our first Warcry tournament at the local GW and I won best painted with my (cursed) Gloomspite Gitz.

Here are the lads!

But most importantly, we've been playing and testing different warbands and we're  pretty happy with how the games are going. I've switched from Goblins to Darkoath Savagers to Slaves to Darkness (remember I was waiting for some stuff to be delivered?). That fact added to the new models GW just showed yesterday we're pretty hyped.

So, while we wait for those Chaos buddies to get to the stores I've done this updated fighter cards using my favourite editor, based on the original by  Nershly.

Feel free to download and use them (I even added the Curseling -just in case you're one of those lucky guys with one of the new models).

Having a look to the new models and stats, it's pretty obvious the Chosen need a revamp (less range and crit damage than the halberdiers doesn't look right on those killer machines).

See you soon!