Turnip28: Forlorn Hope Kickstarter

You still have a week to back this amazing KS by Max FitzGerald.

Turnip28 is a post-apocalyptic vegetable wargame. Players command Regiments of fantastic miniatures made up of incompetent Snobs, bedraggled Followers and bizarre war machines. You will weep. You will cheer as deranged peasants kick each other to death in the mud.

I've know his work for some years now, and I think Max is one of the most talented guys I've met on the internet. The concept for the game was awesome but those models are sweet. A free print friendly version of the rules are available here.

Can you stop watching at them? Because I can't. That resin is perfect. But look at the painted lads by @mike_mutiny. Oh my...

Fodder painted by mike_mutiny
Fodder painted by mike_mutiny

And here's my favourite:

Painted by mike_mutiny

At the time of writing this post, the project has reached 47.329€ with more than a thousand backers and it's already a smashing success. I've already backed the project, now it's your turn.

PS: If you also like what Max draws you can buy some nice prints here.

All images posted here belong to Max FitzGerald and Mike_Mutiny.