Sexy mortal warriors incoming...

Yesterday GW showed some new stuff i wanted to discuss (I'll skip the fact that it was mostly 40k and the same Warcry models for the third time). The good part was that 5 of the 45 (!) new models announced were Chaos Mortal models. Enter: The Dark Prince...

It looks like both the narrative for Direchasm (Underworlds season 4) and Broken Realms (AoS campaign) will introduce some Slaaneshi characters, and not only recycled plastic kits.

I've been butthurt with the lack of new mortal/chaos armour bearing models for years, and the push-fit Start Collecting was cool but lacking (I dare you on counting how many different plated Stormcast models are available today). Yeah, Warcry it's been a cool placebo models-wise, but that's no real infantry for AoS games, and we still have no Darkoath (I failed miserably predicting we would have them eventually).


These mortals share a lot with the design cues for Syll'Esske: The Vengeful Allegiance and the other demon models we saw last year: Asymmetrical shoulderpads (with a bigger, longer curved right one), metal hooks on the back, curly pointy plated boots, round gemstones, and body piercings holding the leather straps for sleeves and studded leggings.

We apparently have 4 models in the box artwork:

I'm not going to lie, this guy is the reason I made the whole post. Amazing to see a Slaangor at last.

And I've reserved the best for the last: THE ARCHER.

Yep, we need some zoom:

Masked Evil Harlequin Chaos Aelf, anyone? (this combines the look of my preferred models of all times: Wardancers, Chaos Thugs and Harlequins). I'm looking forward to see this one in the flesh.

And now, the big guy...

Lord of Pain.

This awesome looking glam-rock star was great to see, but I still remember Marakarr and I don't want to end having a cool warlord with half a dozen properly themed followers (ahem).

Look at this guy:

We don't have dates nor prices, so, let's wrap this up:


  • New mortal models.
  • Consistent design.
  • The Slaangor homage to the old Keeper of Secrets.


  • Lord of Pain won't sell separately for months.
  • Hedonites warband comes in a starter too.
  • Only 5 of 45 models.